Monday 18 December 2023

Kawan Baik


Kelakar betul. Bukak je blog terus hilang idea nak tulis apa. Ingatkan nak meluah dekat sini kosongkan fikiran. Eh dah terlupa apa yang aku rasa tadi. 

Oh ya! Dah ingat balik.

Aku sedih.. tetiba tersedar and tersapa yang aku ni takde kawan baik perempuan rupanya. Benda ni terdetik and triggered of course lah lepas beberapa event happened.

Normal kan untuk seorang perempuan ada bestfriend perempuan yang rapat? Aku takde. Dulu aku pernah ada, AA. Aku kenal dia masa diploma tapi lepas satu perkara besar terjadi aku hilang dia. Terbongkar jugak true perasaan dia dalam berkawan dengan aku. We are no longer contacting ever since. Nanti ada masa akan aku ceritakan. Sedih beb. Cerita dia camni.. aku melawat adik ipar perempuan aku AB yang ada complication mengandung and warded. Masa tu dia ditemani kawan baik dia. Yang ada dengan dia makan together, drive dia, teman, tolong and buat everything bersama lah. Sedang aku renung, aku tersedar la aku takde. Bukan aku jealous ke apa tau, tak punca pulak nak jealous. Aku just terdetik.. bestnya dia ada bestfriend. How lucky she is. And how lucky kawan dia tu ada dia jugak dalam susah senang. In fact, dia ada ramai kawan baik. Kadang aku terfikir. Ke sebab aku jahat sangat takde kawan. Kenapa sesetengah orang ada ramai kawan baik? Aku sorang pun takde. Pastu aku ada tengok cerita dekat Netflix tajuk dia The Heart of Suhita. Alina Suhita tu pun ada kawan baik dia. Alah dalam movie or drama dia punya heroin mesti ada kawan baik punya. Aku je kot lone ranger.

Dulu kawan baik aku umi aku. Tapi sekarang pun aku ada conflict dengan dia lepas kahwin. Pastu sorang lagi nenek aku belah abah yang aku panggil mok. Tapi mok pun dah takde dah meninggal. Dua orang tu aku anggap kawan baik aku sebab they love me unconditionally sebab aku anak mereka, cucu mereka dan dorang sayang aku. Pastu sorang lagi sepupu aku IS. Tapi sepupu aku tu jarak umur kitorang beza so korang faham kan macam mana? Pastu adik perempuan aku ZH aku takde la rapat mana biasa je sebab masa kecik selalu gaduh and kitorang tak selalu sebulu. Sekarang, dia pun dah kahwin and duduk jauh, negeri berbeza. Aku KL, dia Johor. Kalau dia duduk KL best nya mesti aku selalu lepak dengan dia.

Dah tua-tua ni bukannya senang nak start semula cari kawan baru. Korang faham kan? Aku ada la kawan-kawan perempuan yang agak close tapi occasionally jumpa.. and semua ni pun bukanlah orang yang aku selesa luahkan segala isi hati aku without feeling being judged. 

Kawan sekolah menengah:

1. CA

2. FN

3. NA

Isteri kepada kawan husband aku:

4. NZH

5. AD

Kawan housemate waktu kerja masa belum kahwin:

6. AA

7. AS

Kawan masa degree:

8. DZ

Tu jelah kawan aku ada setakat ni. Benda ni buat aku terfikir, kalau aku susah siapa nak ada dengan aku selain suami aku, parents and adik-beradik? Sedih lah. Aku nak jugak ada kawan baik. Semoga Allah bagi aku ada kawan baik dekat dunia ni.. amin.

Sunday 26 September 2021

Hello Again, Blog!

 Hello Everyone,

It's so long since I last blogging. The last one I think was in 2012? Yeah, the technology advances fast, everyone moves to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. So do I, but what am I doing here? Finding my own self again. Finding a friend, the only friend I have, myself. Well, at least I can rant here and be normal again in front of society, after letting go some blockings I have in me.

So, let's catch-up! Fast forward, now I am married! Yeah right, the waited moment long before. I got married on 27 February 2021 at the age of 27. And then we had a reception ceremony at the groom side in Muar, Johor a month after that, 27 Mar 2021. I'll just introduce my husband as Mr. H, I met him in the university when I was doing my Degree. I bet you missed that too. Since last time, remember I was in dilemma and I had 3 life options? Yes, after the failed Foundation in Science I choose to re-study in Diploma in Science. It took me 3 years to complete it. Afterwards, I pursue the study in Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biology for 2.5 years. Yes, Biology was my forte. I didn't get to continue study in Medicine or any Allied Health courses due to my so-so result. I scored 3.11/4.00 for my Diploma and then I just chose my forte, Biology. There's quite a story of the choice as well but, let's talk about it next time. During Diploma years, I had a best friend but not anymore. Long story as well, will tell you in different post. I also had three boyfriends, not including the flings! Mr. S, Mr. K, Mr. N and Mr. HD. Nothing so impactful with Mr. S and it wasn't that long. The rest was high impact and involves big decisions and memoir in my life. It wasn't easy. Mr. N and Mr. HD, I almost got married to them. Mr. K, I had a very hard feeling to him but he ended up left me. Mr. N, there's a very long story of him, we've been together for 3 years plus. Mr. HD came as interruption between us, he met my parents for the marriage. No, our parents met for the engagement and talked about marriage. We also dated for a while but not so long because I don't feel to have any chemistry with him, the jokes wasn't tickles each other and we have quite an age gap I think 5 years so I rejected him and chose to stay with Mr. N. He's an Aircraft Engineer with decent salary so that's one of the consideration I had for him. Mr. N came after I broke up with Mr. K. That time I wasn't completely heal, I still cannot forget Mr. K and I still struggle to do anything to win him back - but he never considered me anymore. Mr. N approached, insisted to know me. Little did I know that time, I changed to a monster after what Mr. K did. I want to play all men's heart. And, I give it a try with Mr. N, I pity him because he loved me so much. In the same time I played with countless hearts, I don't care. We are on LDR once he pursues Degree in Shah Alam and mine in Pahang. Actually, I don't really wanted to marry him. He's from Kelantan, I've been to his house and witnessed all the hygiene, his personality his vision and all, we are not a match. So while in Pahang, 2017 I met a guy, he approached me, he knew I had Mr. N but he really sure he's the one and fought for me. Yes, he ticked almost all the criteria I wanted. We had like 1 year interim period of arguing, catching, proving, crying before I ended up choosing Mr. H. It was really tough for me, emotionally. I lost friends, betrayal from my on bestie. I had a fling with a handsome Nepali before and my bestie spill that all, spill about Mr. H and badmouthed me. Yeah I'm bad, but this is my life. And you didn't passed the test and qualification, bestie. Yep, it was a hella journey. 

So how I got married with Mr. H? There's a tough story behind that as well. Fast forward, June 2019 I started my first career as a Regulatory Executive at a big MNC company, alhamdulillah. I had struggles with my job as well, but let's catch-up on that separately. I knew a guy from LinkedIn, let's name him Mr. F. He helped me quite a lot, groomed me as I enter my career journey. Exchanging advises, talk about professional world. But, trap! I fell into a love trap, again. Love.. not so love actually. I pity him, he helped me so much and loves me so much. One day, I was busted by Mr. H, he found Mr. F's photo in my Iphone's library under deleted images. Fast things forward, I ended things with Mr. F and Mr. H proposed to me. We got married. Yep, it was hella journey as well.

What I'm doing here? I don't know, just finding a place to rant. I am having a constant headache this few days, not sure of the cause. Panadol won't work, essential oils didn't work. My husband is in a badmood because we had to cancel a lunch date with his 'aunt' because of me, so yeah. I don't know why nor how to feel. Is it my fault for having headache? Is he thinking I purposely don't wanna go? Oh yeah, the aunt is actually his ex's mother who he's close with, rich and supported him financially during study, now exchanging professional advices and so on. Like a mother I could say? Mak angkat. Somthing like that la, mak angkat that loves him more than her kids and in laws. I have no problems with that. I just wish, he could rationally consider me, his wife, who is in unusually constant headache, more important than the meeting with his 'aunt'. At least, no unnecessary bad mood due to the cancellation. I mean, I would definitely go if I am healthy. 

Very well, I had to pause here, need to cook something for our tummies, till then.



Kawan Baik

Assalamualaikum, Kelakar betul. Bukak je blog terus hilang idea nak tulis apa. Ingatkan nak meluah dekat sini kosongkan fikiran. Eh dah terl...